By Kane Dyson | 31 January 2025


It honestly only feels like a couple of years ago that I was sitting, on my own, in my father’s

Dyson Logistics 10 year anniversary

old office in Mascot in January 2015, cranking up the computer for the first time and wondering what the hell I had just done.

I had just left a well-paying job as a salesman for another forwarder; we had a 4 year old daughter ; and Andi was 8 months pregnant with our second child. That seemed like the perfect time to do something I had always wanted to do……start a company!!

Fast forward to now and I am so proud of how far this business has come…and that is in no small part due to the support of Andi and my family. There have been some dark times littered amongst the joy and satisfaction of owning our business. These times really showed us how strong we are.

We keep going and striving to improve because of you, our incredible clients. We NEVER take for granted the fact that you entrust us with your businesses and we will always treat that trust with the greatest of respect.

From Andi, myself and all the staff at Dysons, we would like to thank you for your continual support and friendships and we look forward to being partners in your businesses for the next 10 years…..and beyond.

Now, where’s the cake!!??

Kane Dyson | Founder & CEO